We would like to introduce PurseValley as a consortium of factories producing 1:1 qualitative replica products (same as original) over a decade and have been serving you for a long period of time.

PurseValley.cn were our resellers and due to their unethical code of conduct we have replaced them from our supply chain. PurseValley.la has taken direct charge of the operations and has no further connection with pursevalley.cn or any other website whatsoever.

The qualitative products that our esteemed customers used to get were from our factories. Due to increase in customer complaints regarding poor quality (poor quality products were not from our factory as we only produce the best quality branded replica products which are 1:1) we have removed Pursevalley.cn from our consortium and are not responsible for their acts up till now and in future as well.

PurseValley has taken direct charge of the operations and thus offering our customers best quality replicas at wholesale prices 35% UPTO 60% along with free shipping* around the globe.

For those customers who have suffered some issues and not received the goods for which PurseValley.cn have charged them. Though they were a separate business and we don’t have any obligation to resolve the issues which they have caused in the past. However, for our loyal clientele we have decided to issue $100 store credit on purchases equal or above USD 500 and free shipping around the globle.

Our goal is to make shopping for designer replicas easier. There is no need for you to spend time and energy seeking replica goods when you can find everything qualitative under one roof. We offer excellent fashion, selection and service on one website. Shopping has never been so easy and hassle free before.

Navigate PurseValley latest discounts and promotions and receive useful fashion tips. If PurseValley is the website that makes shopping easy and pleasant. Our main objective is to keep you updated with all the latest fashion and helpful advice.

  1. Always offer the customer the best possible designer fashion products in lowest possible price.
  1. Simplify the shopping process by creating a vast variety of designer replica goods possible under one platform.
  1. Guaranteed qualitative products and high end quality service.

Before opening this store we specialized in replica handbags. We spent years trying to find the best quality and finest raw material suppliers with the best warehouses, and building a massive shipping network. Producing the best replicas and separating the wheat from the chaff was a tricky business, but after years of experience in replica goods, we developed quite an eye for spotting a convincing fake.

So, when the idea for expanding PurseValley came up, including more high-end replica wear seemed to be the most logical choice. We already had a wonderful network, why not use it more fully.


We would all love to have a Gucci Messenger Tote, but frankly, not many of us can afford one. The same can be said for Rolex watches and other designer jewelry. But, what if you could have convincing replicas that were the equivalent in quality but only at a fraction of the price? Our aim is to bring you all of the finest designs from the world of luxury goods but to offer them at affordable prices. It is a simple premise, but it has taken us years to find the best replicas in the world. We’re proud of the replicas on our site. We always offer the latest in replica fashion as soon as we can get our hands on it.


There’s a very good reason why malls are so popular: you can get almost everything you need in one location. Why drive all over town to do shopping when you can go to one place? We brought the same logic to online shopping. Why surf the web aimlessly when you can get all of your fashion needs in one spot? At PurseValleyFactory we offer:

— Replica Handbags in the style of Gucci, Hermes and more

— Replica Jewelry from Tiffany, Bvlgari, Christian Dior and more

— Replica Watches from Rolex, Breitling, Panerai and more


Everybody needs a little certainty now and then. This is especially the case when shopping online. We know that when you shop online you want to be certain that what you’re getting is legitimate and that you aren’t going to have to deal with shipping hassles. This is why we guarantee our product quality and shipping efficiency. You’ll get what you want, or you’ll get your money back without any hassles.

We’ve been working hard from many years trying to make this paltform a wonderful and comfortable place to come and shop. We hope you like what you find here.